Olympus 35 SP rangefinder camera

Olympus-35 SP rangefinder – a Leica alternative?

For some reason I’ve always been drawn to rangefinder cameras. Ofcourse a Leica would be the ultimate dream but I can’t justify (nor afford) the high price. Then came the … Continue reading Olympus-35 SP rangefinder – a Leica alternative?

Ricoh 500g with Kodak Max 400

Shooting expired film – Ricoh 500G and Kodak Max 400 test roll

In my quest to find cheap 35mm films to test my Ricoh 500G compact rangefinder, I came across a listing online of a film Nikon SLR. Now a “new” camera … Continue reading Shooting expired film – Ricoh 500G and Kodak Max 400 test roll