Shooting a 2-decade-old expired film | Konica Centuria 200

So what does it look like to shoot an expired 35mm film, let alone a 2-decade-old one? Shooting expired film always comes with a risk, you’ll never know what results … Continue reading Shooting a 2-decade-old expired film | Konica Centuria 200

Nikon 28-80 G kit lens on Nikon F100

Nikon 28-80mm G – The underrated SLR camera kit lens

Are you on the hunt for a cheap kit lens for your Nikon DSLR or film SLR? Well, look no further. The Nikon 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 AF-G lens is a full-frame … Continue reading Nikon 28-80mm G – The underrated SLR camera kit lens

Pentax Espio 90mc film camera

Pentax Espio 90MC – The everyday carry

Pentax will forever hold a special place in my heart since it’s the first DSLR camera brand I owned. So when choosing between the Pentax Espio 90MC and the Minolta … Continue reading Pentax Espio 90MC – The everyday carry