Ancient beasts

I love photography, a lot. But as much as I love photography I also love photography gears, cameras and lenses to be exact. I can deny all I want but the truth will remain, I drool on anything camera related. I know a lot would argue that it’s not about the gears, it’s about the photographer. And I get that. But don’t you find those sexy curves, rubbery grip, beautiful buttons and dials along with interchangable big piece of glass irresistable? I DO.

nikon d300s

Owning a camera (or several in my case) can be expensive. But I’ve actually been very lucky to get good deals on my purchases (I mostly buy second hand items that are in good condition at a very good price). Still, a purchase is a purchase, and upon acquiring my second mirrorless camera (my first interchangable mirrorless), I had contemplated to sell my only remaining DSLR camera – my 10 year old Nikon D300s and it’s Nikkor 17-55 f2.8 lens.

Long story short, after multiple online sale posts and reposts, I ended up not selling. I know it’s weird but everytime someone came close to buying, I resent. It maybe because of sentimental value or the price value I am getting for the items that made me think twice or even trice about selling. But everything set aside, these two gears are a beast, it may be old and “ancient” (10 year old body) but I can guarantee that it can outlast any new mid range mirrorless camera when put on the same beating as I’ve put these two gears into. These things are as solid as a rock! And it also weighs like one!

nikon d300s

Kidding aside, these things are big and built SOLID. With the emergence of mirrorless cameras most people might find these gears to be too heavy and rugged, and it is! And that is also the reason why i love these bad boys, I can put them on their pace and not worry about beating them up. And as for their technology, 12mp DX sensor on the camera with an acceptable iso range of 200-1600ish. Yes it’s old technology but with what I intend to use this camera, who needs more pixels anyways? I bet most wouldn’t even notice a difference between 12 and 24 megapixels when looking on a phone or computer (except if you pixel peep). When it comes to print and low light situations, that is where the difference in megapixels and iso range may show, but I (we) hardly print big photos anyways and there are a lot of fast glass I can use on low light situations. Also, 7 fps with great AF system, this camera can outshoot most new mid range cameras these days. When it comes to the lens, lenses can last “forever”. Well not forever, but a good glass can last far more than any camera body can.

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